Prizegiving Awards & Trophies List ...

U14 Girls Toki team - National Champs!!

Congratulations to all of our trophy and award recipients from our 2019 Season Prizegiving on Tuesday evening.

Great to see so many of you there!

Thanks to Michele (once again) and Rochelle for coordinating the most popular Mountfort event of the year!!

See below for the list of awards & trophies:

(they can also be viewed on our website -


U12 Most Promising Player - Girls: Tallulah Goldsworthy

U12 Most Promising Player - Boys: Jake Kirby

U14 Most Promising Player - Girls: Scarlett Goldsworthy

U14 Most Promising Player - Boys: Sam Fuemana

U16 Most Promising Player - Girls: Jasmine Fuemana

U16 Most Promising Player - Boys: Lucas Hannah

U18 Most Promising Player - Girls: Miranda Rex

U18 Most Promising Player - Boys: Campbell Hulbert

Goalie of the Year Female: Jessica Ingram

Goalie of the Year Male: Ben Wilson

Sportsmanship Award Female: Josie Noller

Sportsmanship Award Male: Alex Myers

Volunteer of the Year: Michelle Sutton

Presidents Cup – Female: Roana Paterson

Presidents Cup – Male: Isaac Fuemana

Junior Coach of the Year: Harry Wigley

Commitment to Coaching: Roana Paterson

Developing Coach of the Year: Stephan Hemara

Social League Cup: Term 2: LobStars

Term 4: Hydras

5 Year Service Award: Sheryl Fonoti

Referee Grading:

C Grade: Miranda Rex

C Grade: Finlay Montgomerie


- New Zealand Schoolgirls: Jessica Ingram - St Cuthbert’s

- New Zealand Schoolboys: Campbell Hulbert -Sacred Heart

- NZWP U18 Girls team (Aust Interstate Challenge-July):

- Natalia Rankin-Chitar

- NZWP U18 Boys team (Aust Interstate Challenge-July):

Campbell Hulbert

Lyall Hill

- NZWP U18 Girls Europe Tour (August):

Jessica Ingram

NZWP Age Groups Squad Selections:

- Born 2001 Boys Squad: Lyall Hill

- Born 2002 Girls Squad: Jessica Ingram

Natalia Rankin-Chitar (2004)

- Born 2002 Boys Squad: Teague de Jager

Joel Hannah

Campbell Hulbert

Lucas Hannah (2003)

- Born 2003 Boys Squad: Justin Hemara

- Born 2004 Girls Squad: Holly Dunn (2006)

Brooke Fonoti

Scarlett Goldsworthy (2005)

- Born 2004 Boys Squad: Cameron Croft

Samuel Harnett

Troy Wigley


- U12 QBT Tournament Team-A Grade: Tallulah Goldsworthy

- U12 QBT Tournament Team-B Grade: Maire Kingi

- U12 QBT Tournament Team-B Grade: Reefe O’Halloran

- U14 Nationals MVP: Scarlett Goldsworthy

- U14 Nationals MVP Goalie: Jenna Veal



U12 Toki – A Team

- Most Valuable Player: Tallulah Goldsworthy

- Most Improved Player: Amelia Croft

- Best Defensive Player: Jake Kirby

- Sportsmanship Award: Samantha Ellis

U12 Matau – B Team

- Most Improved Player: Samuel Asiata

- Best Offensive Player: Reefe O’Halloran

- Best Defensive Player: Sebastian Dunn

- Sportsmanship Award: Ella Sharman

U12 Pikorua

- Most Improved Player: Becky Sutton

- Best Offensive Player: Vilisoni Ahovelo

- Best Defensive Player: Selai Ahovelo

- Sportsmanship Award: Jemma McKinley

U12 Pounamu

- Most Improved Player: Tynan Ikurere

- Best Offensive Player: Lyra Purcell

- Best Defensive Player: Eden Goldsworthy

- Sportsmanship Award: Caleigh Kitson-Baker


U14 Girls Toki – Div 1

- Most Valuable Player: Scarlett Goldsworthy

- Most Improved Player: Tiaare Aholvelo

- Most Improved Player: Jenna Veal

- Best Defensive Player: Jessie Malcolm

U14 Girls Matau – Div 2

- Most Valuable Player: Sylvia Leo

- Best Defensive Player: Kaitlyn Bingham

- Best Offensive Player: Tallulah Goldsworthy

- Sportsmanship Award: Mikayla Marginson

U14 Boys Toki – Div 1

- Most Improved Player: Aidan Ward

- Sportsmanship Award: Callum Murphy

- Best Defensive Player: Thomas Harnett

- Best Offensive Player: Steven Mayerhofler

U14 Boys Matau – Div 2

- Most Improved Player: Caleb Wilson

- Best Defensive Player: Judd Brown

- Best Offensive Player: Jett O’Halloran

- Sportsmanship Award: Caleb Palmer


U16 Girls Toki – Div 1

- Most Valuable Player: Natalia Rankin-Chitar

- Most Improved Player: Olivia Bonnar

- Best Defensive Player: Chloe Rickit

- Best Offensive Player: Aimee O’Halloran

U16 Girls Matau – Div 2

- Most Valuable Player: Madeline Robinson

- Most Improved Player: Abby Sutton

- Best Offensive Player: Holly Dunn

- Sportsmanship Award: Kate Logan

U16 Boys Toki – Div 1

- Most Valuable Player: Lucas Hannah

- Best Defensive Player: Justin Hemara

- Most Improved Player: Ben Wilson

- Sportsmanship Award: Flynn Yeatman-Biggs

U16 Boys Matau – Div 2

- Most Improved Player: Xander Lendrum

- Best Defensive Player: Oliver Ingram

- Best Offensive Player: Sam Harnett

- Sportsmanship Award: Matt Ellis


U18 Girls Toki – Div 1

- Most Improved Player: Abby Burge

- Best Defensive Player: Jessica Ingram

- Best Offensive Player: - Miranda Rex

- Sportsmanship Award: Sam Robinson

U18 Boys Toki – Div 1

- Most Valuable Player: Campbell Hulbert

- Best Defensive Player: Justin Hemara

- Best Offensive Player: Teague de Jager

- Most Improved Player: Lucas Hannah

U18 Boys Matau – Div 2

- Most Valuable Player: Fergus McCall

- Best Defensive Player: Troy Wigley

- Most Improved Player: Sam Harnett

- Sportsmanship Award: Gony Tua-Tagaloa


Senior Women

- Most Promising Player: Natalia Rankin-Chitar

- Most Improved Player: Olivia Bonnar

Senior Men

Most Valuable Player: Campbell Hulbert

Best Defensive Player: Alex Myers


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